
I'm a Fullstack Developer, with a passion for building functional and responsive web applications.

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About Me.


I have experience in Front-end and Back-end technology.
I'm also a self-taught developer and I'm always looking for new challenges.
Now 👉 Open to Work.

  • My Skills: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Nodejs, MongoDB, Nextjs, API's, Java, SpringBoot, OOP, Docker, Git & GitHub.


UI/UX Design

Create Beautiful and Elegant user-friendly designs with Interfaces that are intuitive, efficient and pleasant to use for the user.

Web Developer

Front-end and Back-end, we deliver comprehensive solutions that encapsulate the full spectrum of web development.

Java Developer

Java Web Application for your business, with the best practices and technologies.


Desktop Application

Expense Manager

The application can store the expense of users and features for sending a notification and reminders.


Fake News Detection

Fake news detection using machine learning is to detect the either true or false news articles and stories.



The SEHD Application scans the eyes by using machine learning algorithms and gives valid results.


3D Portfolio

Showcase your skills and projects with 3D portfolio design using react js and react-three-fiber.


Portfolio Website

Project that you carry out in the design and structure of the layout, showing the design at the client's request.


Contact Me.

I love hearing from you. Message me whatever is on your mind and I'll get back to you right away.

I am seeking a Jr. Software Engineer role. If you have opportunity for me please feel free to message me.

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